Natural Flood

Actual 2024 footage. With Thanks to Lorna of Garden Cottage

We are in danger losing buildings which have stood for 100 years. 
The access road (council owned)  is often under water and is
being washed away.

Natural Flood Prevention

We are in danger losing buildings which have stood for 100 years. The access road (council owned)  is often under water and is being washed away.

Actual 2024 footage. With Thanks to Lorna of Garden Cottage

The Plan

We are looking at the possibility of sacrificing a few acres of land which has been traditionally cropped for barley to allow the river to do its thing. The land can still be grazed when not wet.

We will look at reducing the flow in flood events with large woody structures, riparian tree planting and possible water scrapes and secondary channels. These measures will be introduced on both the length of main river and the Mossat Burn.

Jock Reids Pool